Friday, December 09, 2005

Journal of a Living Lady #263

Journal of a Living Lady #263

Nancy White Kelly

Oh, the holidays! God bless you each and everyone. We are as busy as ever. Once you have looked death in the eye, you don’t complain about busyness anymore. Every Christmas is a blessing, another chance to laugh at another year gone by without the grim reaper. Someday it will end here for all of us. Then comes the biggest move of our lives. But not yet.

I prefer to think about green and red. Bells and choruses. The manger scene. Candy canes and Christmas cards. Hopefully Christmas brings out the best in us with ample opportunities to visit with friends and family. This year we have a new grandbaby in the mix. Bobby and Ginger have two children, Mackenzie and Alex. Tori and Charlie have little Micah.

I remember my daddy saying that Christmas is for children. Yes, it is. But it is for us over-grown kids too. For a few festive days we can concentrate on our blessings. Later comes gray January and those dreaded tax forms.

But I shant think about that just now. Christmas is coming. I smell it in the air. But before that is Christmas Eve which is my birthday. The twenty-fourth of December really isn’t a bad time for a birthday. How wonderful to have been born on the eve of the celebrated birth of the Christ child. I’ll give deference to the King of Kings. Gladly.